We've moved
don't forget to update your link if you have one.
Thanks for reading!
Ever wonder why the title: Never the Same Page? Brendan and I started the blog together, and what is the truest thing about us? We are almost never on the same page about things. We are as opposite as opposites get. TomAto, TomAHto... but we decided a long time ago not to call the whole thing off :)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Who knew?

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Grumpy days
I've got this transparency commitment that I made to myself. I refuse to succumb to the temptation to fake it. So, on days like today, a supreme-o Oscar-fest (as in the guy who lives in a garbage can on Sesame Street), if you ask me how I am, I'm likely to tell you: grouchy. No, Grouchy. And if you ask me why, I'll likely tell you that, too.
But, I'm having second thoughts. I'm philosophical about it all of a sudden. Maybe we should fake it. Maybe I'm not rejoicing in my circumstances if I'm grumpy. Maybe I shouldn't ever get grumpy. (if that's the case, then I'm a real mess!) Maybe I'm lacking a thankful heart when I'm a grouch. And maybe sharing that doesn't honor God. (Ouch.)
My transparency commitment is a result of all the dishonest communication I've observed in my life. People just aren't honest with each other, and it seems like it would be so much better if we just told each other the truth instead of conforming to this unwritten social code that has never been written down but everyone knows and follows.
And, I'm just as open about the great things.. if you catch me on an Elmo day (as in the red guy on Sesame Street who is always learning, giggling, and is generally intoxicatingly happy) and ask me how I am, I'm likely to tell you: Great!
And if you ask me why, I'll likely tell you just what I'm thrilled about or thankful for.
Are these ups and downs because I'm female? Should I make it a goal to be more stable so this is a non issue?
And if being more transparent is the way to go, then what is the right response to someone who tells you they're grumpy?
Well, I'll tell how both how I respond to others and the response I appreciate. Actually, they're the same... just acknowledge it. You know, a hug, a smile, a few words of encouragement, a quick phone call later in the day.
But really, I'm interested in what YOU think... should we be honest with each other, or not?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
a little break for dreamin'

So, its Saturday afternoon and it's gorgeous outside, and I'm sitting at work doing the budget for next year. I like doing budgets.. and I love to work lots .. (probably unhealthily so...) but today I'm kinda wishing this was done. I'm hitting a bit of a wall after a few hours of staring at spreadsheets, so I figured I'd take a break.
I'm sitting at my desk dreaming of going to Otter Falls in a few short weeks.... Otter Falls is a little resort area on Dorothy Lake? Eleanor Lake? Not sure, but it's in the Whiteshell, which is a provincial park on the Manitoba/Ontario border. My three sisters and our families, and our dad, head out there for the first week in July every year. We rent two side by side cabins, equipped with hot tubs and a view.. we're surrounded by water on three sides. If we don't want to swim right at our cabin, there are at least 4 nice beaches within a short drive or long-ish bike ride.
The TransCanada trail is going through the Whiteshell, so its nice to see that develop a little each year. After a massive storm in May last year, there were still fallen trees along the path I like to ride my bike on, it was an adventure!
Our week of vacation includes lots of reading, eating, visiting, bike riding, strolls, and even a shopping trip into Lac du Bonnet. (anglicized to be 'lack-de-bonnie by Manitobans!) Last year I bought my interview dress for Bethany in Lac du Bonnet... at a skateboard shop! (I hope it starts to fit again soon....!!)
Anyway, here are a couple of shots of previous holidays at Otter Falls... the first one is the whole fam out for ice cream, and the second one is of a bunch of cousins enjoying the hot tub. The pic at the top of the post is of one of my favorite brothers :o) .. He was fishing at dusk, that is right outside of the cabin. Nice, hey?

Monday, May 26, 2008
a personalized/paraphrased prayer to start the week..
help us to know who you really are
and to truly worship you
make us to see the Truth
and make our world more full of you and your goodness
give us all that we need
and help us to recognize that more than that is not better
keep forgiving us, even though we understand so little of what that means
grow our ability to forgive eachother, make us gracious, loving, and open
lead us closer and closer to you, and protect us from the evil one
protect us from the selfishness within us - show us what wholeness really is.
You are our King.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A Modern Psalm?
Bethany had the first of two spring planning meetings last week. One of our tasks while in small groups was to compose a psalm. Here is one example:
-for the strategic planner
O Lord, how lovely is the spring time, a time for missions, visions and core values.
Lord have mercy, we are mired in the bog of SWOT
but in your kindness we are surrounded by many strengths,
We confess our communications weaknesses but, by your grace,
O Lord, in your mercy remove the threats around us,
And now Lord may the visions of our leaders and the
Friday, May 9, 2008
...some of the greatest people
I just read Gil's most recent post; check it out here. Gil has this awesome way of making complicated things sound easy, thats probably why he is such a great teacher and is so appreciated by the students.
Earlier today, I had lunch with Neil, and we had great conversation about many interesting and diverse topics - like Canadian immigration and driving halfway to Pluto to buy lawn tractors.
Prior to that I met with one of the department heads at Bethany and we had a really helpful chat that inspired me. She makes multi tasking and keeping things organized look like a walk in the park on a sunny day. Our meeting ended with prayer and left me feeling like Someone much bigger than us had ordained our time together.
The day ended with some great encouragement from my new boss, Rick. I'm learning a lot from him and appreciate him more all the time.
I also had a great conversation with Wayne today, he doesn't actually live in Hepburn, he was my boss in Winnipeg. He's been undergoing cancer treatment for the past few months, and he called to let me know that the most recent scan revealed NO signs of cancer. He was pretty thrilled to be sharing that news!
So it was a great day of realizing how blessed I am/we are, how great it is to be in relationship with other people, as different as we all are.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
It's late here in Hepburn, but we have a basement full of men yelling at our TV. This actually happens quite often - one would think we've encouraged it or something. Usually late at night or early on Saturday mornings. They're all pretty funny. Gil yells as if his team can hear him.. from Calgary, Liverpool, wherever. I'm not sure why he supports all these people he routinely calls idiots.... or IDIOTS!!!
Paul is also pretty funny. He just told Brendan to sit down and stop with the shenanigans. Thats a pretty big word, shenanigans.
Earlier, I went downstairs to get some chips and Jeff was reading a book while watching. Haven't seen that before...
We are going to winnipeg again this coming weekend, we can't wait to meet Haily, Karen's newest little one. And drink coffee with Eryka. And visit with everyone, reconnect a little bit. We've actually been to Winnipeg almost every month since we left. I've flown twice, Bren's flown once, and we've driven four times. I don't think we'll be doing this again!
We're toying with the idea of building a house. I know, its crazy. i've always thought that Brendan and I would kill each other if we had to undertake a project like that. Or it'll make us stronger.. I'm not sure it's a good idea to investigate which way it would go.. but there is some appeal that has never existed before.
I got an extension on my course to get three major papers and 3 minor assignments done by June 9th. I literally have that much work to do, since I've restarted the two papers I've begun several times each. My course 'tutor' gave me the following advice about my topic and initial work : "Its like you're trying to put three elephants into a Nalgene water bottle" - I think he means for me to narrow my topic significantly. I guess that explains why I've been so frustrated. And why an undergrad degree is actually a good idea.
Bethany is officially empty of students. today was the first day without them. Its going to be a long 4 months. Its looking good for having my department fully staffed again though, I interviewed two great candidates today and just need to discern who is the right one. Its almost too good to be true.. I am so excited to develop this little team. And it'll be nice to delegate some of that LONG to-do list, too!
Baby Haily

Eryka meets her new sister
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
finishing the thought from previous post.. and other randomness
to be honest, I had typed a post about this last weekend, and then I lost it completely. I have troubles with blogger. (and other technology) The post I lost was obviously not meant to be. What I really think our (collective) response should be ... and this is my prayer... is captured in the words of a worship song. This song was playing in my head all week, and then we actually sang part of it in church last Sunday.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Incensed... 1.5?!?
today, I had a great opportunity to chat with a Bethany student in his first year. I've been impressed with this young man since the beginning of the year.. wait, to be honest ALL of our students impress me. Actually, since I'm on the topic, can I just say that I Love working at Bethany, and I really appreciate the opportunity to see God at work in the lives of our students. He's speaking, and they're listening. And it shows. And they care, really deeply about the world. They have that in common with each other, although the expressions of their compassion and care are incredibly diverse.. all over the map, so to speak!
we're chatting in my office while he's biding time to the friday night plans he has with a buddy, and the conversation is about ministry, opportunities, ways to serve, and then there's a lull. So I leaned back in my chair, and asked if I could ask his opinion about something... so I said 'what do you think about all the noise about women and leadership?'
this clever young man doesn't miss a beat, he responds (clearly having spent some time thinking about this topic) "everyone should use their gifts, and I have no problem if a woman uses hers and that means she's my pastor... what I have a problem with is if she thinks it's her RIGHT to be my pastor, and she's more interested in having that right than she is in serving God."
Wow. I'm recording this just incase I ever doubt that tomorrow's church is in very good hands.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
What we're up to - Photo Blog

The robes were great!

Somehow, a mini airsoft war happened inside our house.
Owen decided to prepare himself. He's a good pacifist.

Breakfast with lots of great friends!

A visit at Memere's - those are all the grad photos of her grandchildren.
I'm way up in the top corner.

Next post in the works: some reflecting about women and leadership and Have you seen the most recent Macleans?!?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Lenten Journey (kelly)
Well, it wasn't immediate, but after very few days, those buoyant, joyful feelings were gone. Disappeared! All of a sudden I was trying to re-connect with those emotions and I couldn't hardly remember them! I felt like I was sinking deeper and deeper, farther from joy. My prayers felt empty, unanswered, and things in my days were definitely darker. There was a heaviness that I just couldn't escape. It lasted until recently, when I've slowly started to feel more like myself, and I've had a sense of connecting with God again, which I really missed!
This morning it dawned on me: my lenten prayer was answered.. I did journey towards Easter with some concept of sorrow and grief. Even some doubt. I know my griefs and sorrows are not much compared to what Jesus faced as He moved toward the cross, but I definitely have a deeper sense of his progression, and I have a little, wee taste of what abandonment he felt as the Father turned His face away.
Joy is returning, but I am so thankful for an opportunity to experience a smidgin of what was experienced by someone else on the whole world's behalf. I'm thankful that no one ever has to endure that again. And when Easter morning gets here, I'll be ready.
Imagine that, ready for Easter and not a pink egg or chocolate bunny in sight!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Back when I worked at ICYA, we did a lot of discussing about our organizational vision and values, and the most often discussed concept was HOPE.
Hope, we realized, was the missing ingredient in the inner city. It was missing from individual lives, from families, from schools, from every place frequented by our youth. It was missing from their relationships with peers, teachers, parents, and other community members. I've never forgotten those discussions about what a difference hope makes, and what a emptiness there is without it. I've realized that the presence of absence of Hope is significant to all of us.
This week, in my own life, I have rested in the HOPE I have simply because I'm a child of God. Some things have disappointed me, and some things have surprised me, and some things have saddened me .. and I've felt HOPE in all of it. Not immediately, but ultimately. Hope that comes from knowing that as I abide, His plan does come together. The reality that it seldom (ever?) ends up like I've envisioned it just makes the HOPE sweeter and maybe even deeper.
Cuts and Curls
The local salon in Hepburn is one of the best things about living in this town. I love it there! Its sort of like a tv show, a place where locals gather. One day I called the school and left a message for Owen to go for a haircut later. He went, and didn't pay, (he had money) saying that his mom would look after it later. I did go in later that day for a tan, and paid Owen's tab. I hardly ever go there without running into someone I know. (and I've only lived here for six months!) and no matter what, either Jackey or Leslie is always there and they are ALWAYS in a great mood, super-friendly and happy to see everyone! Another reason why Hepburn is unique and a great place to call home!
I think/read about leadership, and I found this quote recently as I navigated away from the Emerging Women site: (regarding The Road to Spiritual Authority and Leadership):
"It is not won by promotion, but by many prayers and tears. It is attained by confession of sin, and much heartsearching and humbling before God; by self-surrender, a courageous sacrifice of every idol, a bold uncomplaining embrace of the cross, and by an eternal, unfaltering looking unto Jesus crucified. It is not gained by seeking great things for ourselves, but like Paul, by counting those things that are gain to us as loss for Christ. This is a great price, but it must be paid by the leader who would not be merely a nominal but a real spiritual leader of men (and women), a leader whose power is recognized and felt in heaven, on earth, and in hell." - Samuel Brengle, Salvation Army (this text was quoted here)
Thanks for reading. Have a great week! Looking forward to seeing our Winnipeg friends and family in a couple of weeks, as we're heading out there for Easter in a couple of weeks!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
an awesome saturday (by syd)
so ... on friday katelyn (bushman) slept over and in the morning we went to the hair salon and came back watched the grudge 2. then we went to the church to help for a funeral then we made choc milk and bradon (Owens friend) asked if he could have some and so we made some "concoction" of :
vinegar - cocoa - hot sauce - bbq sauce
and it was so funny when he drank it!!
then we went on a walk and for some odd reason we couldn't walk dexter and i let go of him and chased him all down main street it was strange. we came home and make milk shakes and home made oreos they were yummy -- it was a great day!:)
love u, god bless, from: syd
Saturday, March 1, 2008
oroantral fistula (a post by Brendan... finally!!)
It all started over a year ago when we still lived in Winnipeg. Man was I sick. I remember the first week that it really hit, I thought I just had a really bad flu and that I just needed a few days laying around watching movies. 6 months, 2 emergency room visits, countless doctor and specialists appointments and several courses of antibiotics later still no real progress. I was beginning to believe that it was all in my head (as did some others, including my doctor!) So we move to Saskatchewan in August and I'm not really feeling much better but I have decided that maybe this is life for me.
Fast forward to November, when Kelly informs me that it's time to go the dentist. When the doctor is examining my mouth I mention to her that I had gotten a root canal a couple of years earlier that I didn't think was done properly, so she took an extra x-ray and discovered that the root of that tooth was infected. I thought we found the problem and that all would be well after the molar was extracted. So we made an appointment for January and that was that.
I arrive at the dentist for my extraction and all goes well until...as she is rinsing the hole where the tooth was, the antiseptic was going up into my nose. She stopped, asked me to sit up and promptly told me that the infection had eaten a hole in the bone that separates the mouth from the sinus cavity and that it also eat through my sinus membrane and that I'd have to go see an oral surgeon. Two days later I had an appointment booked for a consultation.
I arrive at the surgeons office, ready for my consultation. They take me into the room and I immediately notice the tools and needles sitting on the tray. A nurse comes in and asks me if I'm allergic to Ibuprofen or penicillin. I'm starting to get nervous at this point ... this was only a consult wasn't it? If you know me at all, you know that I'm crapping my pants at this point.(sorry for the word crapping but it's only one of two words that fit the situation) So the dr. comes in and asks me to lay back so he can put the freezing in because he was going to do the surgery right away. At this point I ask what the surgery involves and he responds that I probably don't want to know until after and that I could have some laughing gas if I liked. I said no (of course) and all I heard was "I've never made any friends doing this" as he jabbed the needle into the roof of my mouth. Thirty minutes later he was done, and I was on my way to the car. Basically the dr. sliced a few layers of the roof of my mouth, folded it over the hole and stitched the skin down.
Three weeks later, one trip back to get my stitches redone, 20lbs lighter, and I finally ate something.
It's now been almost two months and man do I love eating again and besides the crater on the roof of my mouth, I feel good. Better than I have in a long, long time, actually.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
remember, imagine
- When I was a little girl, I thought I'd be an archaeologist. I really wanted to study old stuff and learn about how people used to live.
- I used to think I'd be an accountant in a big firm or organization. I envisioned myself focusing on organizational change, human resources, responsible fiscal management, and in general, being very clever. Making lots of money was also part of that plan.
- I used to think that I would live and work and love in the North End of Winnipeg forever. I thought if I loved every hurting family, gang member, or prostitute that I met, their hearts would change. I think I cried for two years when I stopped working in the North End.
- Stay at home mom. There's a job I've always wanted! I've always pictured a clean house, a much less rigid schedule, some varied volunteer work...getting down on paper that book I've been writing in my head for the last 10 years...
- My most craziest, unlikely dream? I'd love to own a combination coffee shop/bookstore/bed & breakfast. It even has a name... "The Resting Place". I know this little town that could really use one of those...
I also polled my family about what they want to be when they grow up.
Sydney's response: I want to be famous. Don't ask me what's gonna make me famous, I'm only 10. I have lots of time to decide.
Owen's response: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (He's sleeping) But I know what he'd say: I want to be a skateboarder in a great rock band. (with Joey, Braden, and Ben... and Trev needs to learn keyboards!)
Brendan's response ( to the question "when you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?" : An Executive Director in a Residential Group Home. (good thing, I guess!)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
one of the greatest joys
She now uses the oven very handily, and loves to try new recipes.. last week she made a graham wafer chocolate cake that was sort of like a brownie and very good!
Today is just a day of realizing that Syd is pretty amazing, and I enjoy spending time with her more and more every day. We've had a couple of good talks lately and she is becoming wise now that she's more than a decade old!
Moms and daughters have a special bond... and I'm thankful for that bond to be getting deeper as we spend time together doing the boring stuff of life.
(moms and sons have a unique bond too! thats another post...)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
'Til we Have Faces

Saturday, February 16, 2008
interesting data
from Macleans Jan 21st issue (article called 'How to Fix Boys')
"The most startling change between teenage culture today and 30 years ago is the way more and more teenage boys have moved away from the courtship of girls. Online pornography has displaced the pursuit of real girls for a significant number of boys."
From an interview with Leonard Sax, a child development expert who wrote 'Boys Adrift'
How about this comment on our consumptive patterns?
Quoted in an article about the effects of advertising; 'The Distorted Mirror' by Richard Pollay. (in the Journal of Marketing)
(referring to the unintended consequences of advertising from a National Science Foundation review of the effects of advertising on children)
"encouragement of unsafe behavious, confused assessment of products, encouragement of inappropriate standards of choice, promotion of parent-child conflict, modeling of hazardous behaviour, reinforment of (gender) stereotypes, cynicism, and selfishness. "
...most fascinating of all was that the above quote about children and advertising was written in 1978 back when wage earning adults were the target of advertising campaigns. Wonder what studies reveal now that most marketing strategies target children and adolescents?
Monday, February 11, 2008
... ahhh, community!
We're part of a small group through our church, and I know we're blessed to be part of this little community. Last night, we watched the video in the series we're studying, and while I have no real problem with the video facilitator, yesterday I was just having a real struggle to connect his generalisations with my experiences. It's been a rough go with the kids lately, wonderful as they are, and there just isn't a lot of respectfulness and obedience happening at our place. I was hearing (and the video may not have actually been saying this, but its what I heard!) that there is this easy formula of loving parents creating stability and boundaries which results in responsible, respectful kids. I sat there quietly with this inner angst about it, and when someone actually invited me to participate in the post-video discussion, I about spilled over with this frustration I had been trying to keep inside! I felt like the speaker was making it sound oh-so-simple, and it just isn't! And it was safe to let my frustration spill out ... because I was in a safe place of real community. And it was good to 'let it all hang out' and feel not judgement, but support.
I experienced community again with my friend Sheryl today at lunch today as she allowed me to spill it all (and more!) again... community, especially true, loving, challenging community, is a great gift. I'm not sure we can get where we're meant to go without it.
I later talked to another coworker, who challenged me to reconsider some of my struggles, and then to my sister, Lorrie ... and each little piece of 'community' helped me to feel safe, cared for and provided real insight and wisdom. (and no one just said what I wanted to hear, but they somehow knew what I needed to hear!)
I'm thankful to be in community with people who remind me of what I can so easily forget or overlook.
And I'm especially thankful to God, who is sovereign over it all, and who doesn't stop forgiving me for being as frustrated and forgetful as I so often am. What 'community' does best of all is point me to Him.
A side note:Owen noticed this little toy in one of my clothes drawers tonight, I've kept it safe for several years. It was perfect timing for the tangible reminder I needed.
This little motorbike was Owen's FAVORITE toy at Grandma's when we'd visit there. We'd regularly go for Sunday dinner, and my little toddler-genius would walk in the door and run for the box where the toys were kept and dump it out in search of the 'geen bike'. Then he'd keep it with him all night, standing it up by his plate while he ate. And then we'd try to remove the bike from his tightly clenched, grubby, ketchup-y fist and he'd insist on bringing it home. To which we'd remind him that there were only a few toys at grandma's, but LOTS of toys at home; so the bike had to stay at grandma's. (he was our first child, so, yes, we did try to reason with a toddler!) The bike would be left behind, and the whole scene would be played out again one week later.
Somehow, the bike did eventually end up at our house, and somehow I put it away in a clothes drawer for safekeeping. I'm glad O noticed it today, and I'm really glad to remember my sweet little boy playing with sweet little toys.
Monday, February 4, 2008
a glimpse into the research...
Anyway, for the paper I'll be writing on Rural Spirituality, I've been reading some essays by Wendell Berry. He's pretty radical, but I've been chewing on some of his ideas all day.
Here are a couple of examples:
(from an essay called A Remarkable Man, about Nate Shaw, a black farmer from Alabama wrongly imprisoned in the 1930's)
"... he burdens us with his character. Not just with his testimony, or with his actions, but with his character, in the fullest possible sense of the word. Here is a superior man who never went to school! ...." what a trial in fact that is for us, and how guilty it proves us; we think it ordinary to spend twelve or sixteen or twenty years of a person's life and many thougsands of public dollars on "education" - and not a dime or thought on character. Of course, it is preposterous to suppose that character could be cultivated by any sort of public program. Persons of character are not public products, They are made by local cultures, local responsibilities. That we have so few such persons does not suggest that we ought to start character workshops in schools. It does suggest that 'up' may be the wrong direction." (emphasis mine)
"The organized church makes peace with a destructive economy and divorces itself from economic issues because it is economically compelled to do so. Like any other public institution so organized, the organized church is dependent on 'the economy'; it cannot survive apart from those economic practices that its truth forbids and that its vocation is to correct. If it comes to a choice between the extermination of the fowls of the air and the lilies of the field and the extermination of a building fund, the organized church will elect - indeed, has already elected - to save the building fund. The irony is compounded and made harder to bear by the fact that the building fund can be preserved by crude applications of money, but the fowls of the air and the lilies of the field can be preserved only by true religion, by the practice of a proper love and respect for them as creatures of God. No wonder so many sermons are devoted exclusively to 'spiritual' subjects..."
(from an essay called God and Country)
Not sure I could ever live up to Mr. Berry's ideals and practices; but its sure been interesting reading! Another interesting essay is called Why I will not use a Computer - not sure what to make of that one! :o)
Sunday, February 3, 2008
who's wagging what?
Monday, January 28, 2008
Can I leave that with you?
When I do delegate to others, I tend to say something like: "Can I leave this with you?" (as in a project or task.) I realized tonight the freedom there is in knowing that we CAN leave all things with God. There's no wondering if He's too busy, if He'll condemn us because we should have managed our time better, there's simply no second guessing. We pray and its done. The answer is always : "Please do! That was my intention all along!"
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Winter in Hepburn
okay, well the tool bar that allows me to add photos has disappeared, I guess thats a message to go do the laundry. I'll try to put those photos up later today or tonight.
Has anyone else noticed that google products are all messed up since i.google was introduced??!?!?
UPDATE: Photos!

When these photos were taken it was a gorgeous day, a bit chilly, but fine for a brisk walk. The hoar frost lingered for days!
Now, its quite a bit colder! I walked to work today and my scarf froze to my face.. I think the temp with the wind chill was -37!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Everything in moderation
The gospels are such 'easy reading', story after story, some humor and daily life stuff. But I don't read them that often... because I hear the voices and cynicism and legalism of the Pharisees and there's a little too much identification going on... Maybe I read them as little as I read Proverbs 31, even.
This read through of John is showing me that I struggle with the idea of moderation and extremes... I would like to have no 'extremes' in my life and be balanced, moderate, calm... all the time. And I know I've judged others for being 'extreme' in some way... you know, they're over the top, 'too much'. ... I don't want to be like them, I want to be moderate, easy, likeable!
It struck me today how ridiculous I am... I am a Christ follower, and his relationships weren't moderate and his conversations were subtle; He was extreme to the extreme. Why is this idea of quiet, subtle moderation something I think I always need to work on? Why do I want to do away with the 'extremes' in me, in others?
Thats the thing about reading the gospels -- I realize how much of a Pharisee I am .... and as I read, I hear the words of "How Deep the Father's Love" -
Monday, January 7, 2008
The rules of the game:
• Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
• Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, as we all want to know them.
• Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
• Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
7 Random Things About ME:
1. I am list crazy. I make lists of my lists, and I get a bit frantic when I don't have a list to tell me what I'm supposed to be doing.
2. I can count on one hand the number of times I've driven my car since I moved to Saskatchewan.
3. Instead using the treadmill today, I did Dance Dance Revolution for 30 minutes. It was fun, except I had trouble concentrating for fear someone might see me.
4. This will only be admitted ONCE. I whine a bit when I'm ill. If anyone (at home) asks me anything at all, the answer is: "I'm sick." As in: "Mom, do we have any tuna?" ... "I'm sick". "Kelly, can you answer the phone? "... "I'm sick". "Should we watch the news?" ... "I'm sick".
5. My husband is doing the supper dishes while I do this. He thinks I'm working. He also made supper. I have a few guilty feelings...
6. I really like accounting.
7. I really can't think of anything else. See #6.
I'm tagging:
Cora Lynn
Kelly P.
5 is the best I can do... I just don't know that many bloggers!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
One of each

3 cups oatmeal
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup margarine
2 eggs
2 cups milk
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
Preparation:Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Mix all ingredients together and pour into 13 x 9 inch buttered pan.
Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes.
The innkeeper also likes to add dried fruits and nuts and pour into small ramekins for baking and serving individually. Enjoy!