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Ever wonder why the title: Never the Same Page? Brendan and I started the blog together, and what is the truest thing about us? We are almost never on the same page about things. We are as opposite as opposites get. TomAto, TomAHto... but we decided a long time ago not to call the whole thing off :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Incensed... 1.5?!?

I'm planning to blog about the Macleans article about Christ's identity crisis, because its bugging me. In the meantime, I had an interesting discussion today that intersected a previous entry .. so I figured I'd post about it real quick...

today, I had a great opportunity to chat with a Bethany student in his first year. I've been impressed with this young man since the beginning of the year.. wait, to be honest ALL of our students impress me. Actually, since I'm on the topic, can I just say that I Love working at Bethany, and I really appreciate the opportunity to see God at work in the lives of our students. He's speaking, and they're listening. And it shows. And they care, really deeply about the world. They have that in common with each other, although the expressions of their compassion and care are incredibly diverse.. all over the map, so to speak!
we're chatting in my office while he's biding time to the friday night plans he has with a buddy, and the conversation is about ministry, opportunities, ways to serve, and then there's a lull. So I leaned back in my chair, and asked if I could ask his opinion about something... so I said 'what do you think about all the noise about women and leadership?'
this clever young man doesn't miss a beat, he responds (clearly having spent some time thinking about this topic) "everyone should use their gifts, and I have no problem if a woman uses hers and that means she's my pastor... what I have a problem with is if she thinks it's her RIGHT to be my pastor, and she's more interested in having that right than she is in serving God."
Wow. I'm recording this just incase I ever doubt that tomorrow's church is in very good hands.


Anonymous said...

Wow, very insightful!

highestform said...

That's exciting. I know that feeling - I feel it when I work alongside our youth.

Anyways... I'm also very annoyed with this continuing fad of uncovering Christ's "true" identity. I thought Davinci Code mania beat this idea to death already! Nonetheless, I look forward to your take on it!

I plan to come by tomorrow. I know it's a busy time for everyone, but I hope I can catch you for a few minutes at least.

Paul said...


Sheryl said...

hmmmm.. good point.