It's late here in Hepburn, but we have a basement full of men yelling at our TV. This actually happens quite often - one would think we've encouraged it or something. Usually late at night or early on Saturday mornings. They're all pretty funny. Gil yells as if his team can hear him.. from Calgary, Liverpool, wherever. I'm not sure why he supports all these people he routinely calls idiots.... or IDIOTS!!!
Paul is also pretty funny. He just told Brendan to sit down and stop with the shenanigans. Thats a pretty big word, shenanigans.
Earlier, I went downstairs to get some chips and Jeff was reading a book while watching. Haven't seen that before...
We are going to winnipeg again this coming weekend, we can't wait to meet Haily, Karen's newest little one. And drink coffee with Eryka. And visit with everyone, reconnect a little bit. We've actually been to Winnipeg almost every month since we left. I've flown twice, Bren's flown once, and we've driven four times. I don't think we'll be doing this again!
We're toying with the idea of building a house. I know, its crazy. i've always thought that Brendan and I would kill each other if we had to undertake a project like that. Or it'll make us stronger.. I'm not sure it's a good idea to investigate which way it would go.. but there is some appeal that has never existed before.
I got an extension on my course to get three major papers and 3 minor assignments done by June 9th. I literally have that much work to do, since I've restarted the two papers I've begun several times each. My course 'tutor' gave me the following advice about my topic and initial work : "Its like you're trying to put three elephants into a Nalgene water bottle" - I think he means for me to narrow my topic significantly. I guess that explains why I've been so frustrated. And why an undergrad degree is actually a good idea.
Bethany is officially empty of students. today was the first day without them. Its going to be a long 4 months. Its looking good for having my department fully staffed again though, I interviewed two great candidates today and just need to discern who is the right one. Its almost too good to be true.. I am so excited to develop this little team. And it'll be nice to delegate some of that LONG to-do list, too!
Baby Haily

Eryka meets her new sister
so what do the comments you remove say exactly? swear words or rude comments?
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