These shots are in no particular order since I am inept with blogger photo uploads.
Above: Eryka with the new babies Syd brought from Hepburn.

During the visit from our Winnipeg neigbors; Syd, Kinka, and Abby; New friends, old friends!

Liza and the Kilcona choir did an awesome job on Easter Sunday.
The robes were great!

Mixin' up the cousins!

What do you do with the abundance of Easter Chocolate?
Have a fondue! Syd and friends had one last week.
Somehow, a mini airsoft war happened inside our house.
Owen decided to prepare himself. He's a good pacifist.
Tina and I made pumpkin cupcakes.

Daniel's Angels?!

The cousins, Easter Weekend in Wpg.
Syd and Eryka.
Breakfast with lots of great friends!
Karen made Resurrection Cookies.

A while back, we made la tire - French canadian toffee in the snow.

Trev came over. But his head was on fire, so he didn't stay long.
A visit at Memere's - those are all the grad photos of her grandchildren.
I'm way up in the top corner.
TJ's first guitar lesson. Ted was proud.
Next post in the works: some reflecting about women and leadership and Have you seen the most recent Macleans?!?
Great pictures! I want you here now soooo bad.
Eryka and I made the cookies together. Her and Kaden helped ice... they each iced one then ate it, a 2 year old's idea of helping. we had fun making the icing though.
Wow, Syd and Eryka sure look alot alike! mmmmm.... chocolate fondue.....will be on my mind all evning:)
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