A pot luck in the Bethany Cafeteria...even Syd joined us!

Christmas morning with a two year old, what fun!

The annual game of hot potato/gift exchange with the cousins..

Our primary reason for creating a blog was to stay connected to people we're no longer geographically close to. We wanted a forum to continue sharing life with people we've moved away from. "Blogging", though has evolved into an opportunity to reflect, think 'out loud', share opinions, impressions, ideas .... Kelly is the primary writer, although Brendan, Owen and Sydney contribute regularly, too. We hope you'll visit often, be encouraged, and stay in touch!
Greetings Dvoraks. Did not get to hang out with you but it was nice seeing you here recently. I have been checking your blog from time to time but have not really said much, but will try to change that. All the best to you, happy new year.
Bren...I hear that the Klassens came out to visit and you and Rob had some NFL business going on. I heard that you took care of Rob 3-0, way to go. We need to get that online thing happening, I still have not set it up, have you? On a different note, your Dolphins had a pretty rough year. So who the two you think will make it to the Superbowl? My thoughts are the Pats (I just have that feeling but you never know it is the playoffs and anything is possible) and the Packers (I know did I say the Packers, yes I think that they will step it up and be able to take care of the Cowboys) Anything cool going on, how is the college thing?
Owen...whats new, you play any madden with your dad? What is your team again?
Syd I don't know you much but wanted to say something to you, hope you have a great new year and that you keep on looking cute in all your pictures.
Kelly...well I hope all is going well with the new job. What is new with you and your walk, studying or reading any interesting books?
May God continue to bless the Dvoraks...
And one more thing. If you wish visit my blog and website check out:
www.afcministry.com Apologetics for Christians
www.areyoukiddingkelly.blogspot.com Are You Kidding Kelly?
Ok, just thought I would share those with you.
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