So, the awesome and very welcome weekend started out with my birthday on Friday. I don't feel so bad advertising it here since its on facebook and all of the whole world knew and wrote on my wall or messaged me that day! I even had some great phone calls, including my brother in law Ted doing a Marilyn Monroe impression! The day started out with one of my coworkers calling from Saskatoon asking what I'd like from Starbucks... what a great beginning.
That evening, Sydney had a Christmas party with some friends, and we had a few couples over... much fun, including a cake that my daughter baked.

Saturday was a stay at home day.. got some cooking and baking done and not much else.. I took a photo out of our dining room window, winter is so pretty here.
That was also the day new photos found their way onto the blog and a new layout appeared! Everyone else in the family was out and about, but I was quite happy to stay in!

Sunday, Sydney was the first up in the morning, getting ready to get out the door and go across the street to church for the final practice for her Christmas play. (that is such a treat - we used to be late for church every Sunday and then we'd have to walk from way back in the parking lot.. further than we walk now!) She and Lauren did an outstanding job in their duet! 

We came home quick after church, making sure the chili we'd gotten ready for guests hadn't burned down the house in our absence. All was well and we had a great afternoon of visiting, soccer watching (the guys did!) and enjoying the little ones. I especially enjoyed the young girls that were over as they played with our meagre toy offerings and our little Jesus' and mangers... these Christmas items continue to find their way out of the box every Christmas even though my kids are beyond the age.. it was heartwarming to have little people playing again!

Sunday night brought our family's Christmas eve celebration - we're reinventing some traditions and this was the night for the things that used to happen on Christmas Eve... we enjoyed a fine meal of broth and tourtiere, a devotional prepared by Owen.. (well, read out of an Advent book!) and then some home videos. But first we opened a couple of presents, and I was very surprised to get this awesome shirt from Jilly. (You're one of my "...", too, by the way, Jill!)
The home videos were so much fun, from two year old Sydney not understanding musical chairs, to my nephews' first hockey game, to Brendan's karoake rendition of R-E-S-P-E-C-T. We all laughed pretty hard!!

You know, the great weekend didn't quite end with the almost-Christmas-Eve night.. Today brought much to be thankful for too. Sheryl, our friend from Bethany, came over for a tea party, DDR, and karaoke with Syd. And, I had some great news at work today, I'll have a new role in January which is very exciting and seems to be a great fit.

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