I wasn't feeling well one day this week, so I stayed at home. After sleeping for a while, I realized that I could read a book! I have been on a strict diet of books related to the course I'm taking, but I wasn't in the mood for those. I remembered that I had borrowed 'Til we Have Faces' from Jessica, so I decided this was the day to read it!
WHAT A GREAT READ! I love CS Lewis, how he has such a great way of putting stories and characters together to make complicated concepts downright simple. The deeper meanings are always there, the parallels to scripture. Always eye-opening.
This story is a retelling of the myth of Psyche and Cupid. I had to google the story to learn the details, I don't remember learning this myth when we studied mythology in school. Although I do vividly remember that section of Gr. 9 English in Mrs. ... what was her name!!?? Brendan remembers her hitting him over the head with a particularly poorly done assignment.. first name was Linda... used to sit in her car at lunch and smoke... What was her name?!?!? anyway, we digress.. she taught us Mythology, but not Cupid and Psyche.
Til we Have Faces is mostly a love story - but not in the traditional sense; its not a romance, but a story that makes us think about Love. ... how evil tries to make it ugly, how there are so many incorrect interpretations of love, how the deepest love is embodied in the selflessness and sacrifice that is always part of it..
I wanted to believe that the title "Til we Have Faces" was somehow a take on I Cor. 13:
We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete.
But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled. v.10
It's not though, I read that the book was originally supposed to have an entirely different title, but the Publishing Co. didn't like it, so it became TWHF.
I'd like to include some quotes, I think I'll update this post later with some. I can't right now, since I'm at the office and the book is not at the office.
I'm glad you enjoyed the book! I found myself identifying with the main character over and over again. The need feel loved and the temptation to control people you love... she's a powerful character, one I will never forget - however, I've forgotten her name - yeah that's kind of lame...
hmm.. maybe I"ll have to pick that one up :)
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