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Ever wonder why the title: Never the Same Page? Brendan and I started the blog together, and what is the truest thing about us? We are almost never on the same page about things. We are as opposite as opposites get. TomAto, TomAHto... but we decided a long time ago not to call the whole thing off :)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Mother's Heart

So, I went from feeling like I had nothing to say for a few weeks to posting every couple of days... I guess thats the way it goes.
Owen played in his first volleyball tourney as a Hepburn Hawk today... still # 14, like he was for Garden City and Sinclair Park! I watched three of the five games they played in Waldheim today, and it was intense at the end! It was awesome how the kids on the team were supportive and encouraging whether they scored a point or lost one. The teamwork spirit was more evident than I've observed on other teams O has been on, that is such a gift. Coaches always say "... it's about the fun; it doesn't matter if we win..." - but the kids always see through those words if they're not genuine. Unfortunately, O has had a couple less than genuine coaches over the years, it left an imprint on him. It left an imprint on me....!! That brings me to what I've been reflecting on today; how my heart and my kids' hearts are so connected and wound up together. I'll admit that I was a tad more emotional today than most days, but watching my kid in this intense game just about did me in... not because I care if his team wins or loses, but because I'm so acutely aware of the feelings he's having and the thoughts in his mind. I know how he internalizes pressure and how he processes the plays ... This is just one of the many things about being a mom that isn't in the manual, and you're never prepared for the depth of it before it happens.. a mom's heart and her child's heart don't really forget each others rhythm, I guess....
(their team did win the tournament, I should mention that..)


Anonymous said...

didn't i see you crying at the game?

Anonymous said...

hey there
I got suckered into coaching volleyball myself this year and I am having some of the same thoughts. I am struggling to find a balance. I want the girls to learn something about the game and be proud of their efforts and I want them to have fun at the same time. The only problem is that they are middle school girls and all they want to do is talk!!! I find myself getting frustrated with them when they aren't listening to how a drill should be done and then get mad at myself because this is supposed to be just for fun. I guess the balance will come with more "coaching" experience. Thanks for your words - I sometimes have to remember to be think like a parent and not a teacher or a coach. Glad to hear you are adjusting to your new adventure.
Nancy f.

Anonymous said...

It is such a gift to be able to feel your childrens hapinesses, sadness, excitement, and nervousness (sp?) Reading your story made me realize that this is so true and it makes me wonder why women are built like this and men aren't...you dont typically see dads wiping away tears at soccer practice, etc...I'm just happy to be emotional for my kids. I'm also worried, because this year at dance competitions I cant blame bumbliing like a little baby on being pregnant anymore.....