We've moved

... please go to www.kellydvorak.blogspot.com.
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Thanks for reading!

Ever wonder why the title: Never the Same Page? Brendan and I started the blog together, and what is the truest thing about us? We are almost never on the same page about things. We are as opposite as opposites get. TomAto, TomAHto... but we decided a long time ago not to call the whole thing off :)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

hepburn is #1!!!!!! .... by Sydney

hey people reading this! its my first time writing and i already luv it!! did you hear about the horse? well if you didnt this is about it: ok so when my mom was in the interveiw at Bethany, me, my dad, & owen were exploring the town, and we saw a horse. We named it trigger and it just so happens that the people who we bought our new house from own that horse and they said that we could come and visit the horse!
i luv our new house im so excited to meet new people and to spend more time with my family, hang out with people from the college that i can look up to! im hoping we're gonna have movie nights at our house!!i think hepburn is gonna be great!(even saskatoon ... I can't wait to explore new malls) :):)<3!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Hi :)
So glad you're excited for the move. Small town can be really fun if you are creative, that's what I've had to be as I'm in a small town right now!
Hope you enjoy hanging out with your Winnipeg friends before you move and meet lots of new friends in Hepburn!
