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Ever wonder why the title: Never the Same Page? Brendan and I started the blog together, and what is the truest thing about us? We are almost never on the same page about things. We are as opposite as opposites get. TomAto, TomAHto... but we decided a long time ago not to call the whole thing off :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Some vulnerability about the day and the journey...

So, we're in full swing now .. the house is for sale (check us out at mls.ca, listing #2713011) - the sign is even up! I've had three INTENSE days of training at Bethany - incase I ever wondered all that I don't know, I now have an inkling!! As I type, Brendan is madly putting finishing touches on the basement, the realtor was horrified that showings start in under 24 hours and the bottom half of our house is relatively untouched since last week!! We also have NO CLUE where we'll be living in less than four weeks, and the options are decreasing... nor do we know where the kids will go to school, and a host of other details...

I think I've experienced the full range of human emotions today - sadness, grief, a sense of being cared for and very blessed, anger, being overwhelmed, feeling inadequate and underqualified, hopeful anticipation, intense thankfulness, moderate panic, exhaustion... I could go on, but you're getting it and I'm running the risk of being a whiner.... oh, I forgot another thing I experienced today: a desperate craving for Chocolate!
Two things stand out as I reflect on the day before turning in; first, this thing we're doing (you know, moving away from everything we've always known, all the supports and comforts we have, taking a giant step into the great unknown... ) is an exercise in faith. What good is faith (defined as being sure of what we hope for and certain of things we cannot see) if we say we have it but we never actually take it out for some exercise? To date, I've had way more opportunities to take pretty safe chances than to take big leaps of pure faith. So, I think our family is taking our faith out of the wrapper and going for a long walk. Actually, a pretty brisk run. Not that everybody should do the same as us .. we need a place to stay when we come home!!

The other stand out reflection from today is that it takes a lot of discipline to think on those things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable—things that are excellent or praiseworthy - I didn't have that discipline for most of today, but I'd sure like to be that person. On that note, here is something praiseworthy: Lorrie and Paul are angels in disguise. Lorrie and Brendan put this whole house in order in less than a week ... Lorrie has so many gifts that I don't, if she weren't around to pick up the pieces, I'd be very broken and helpless!! Here is something noble: Paul, Troy Mac, our neighbor Zofia, Karen, and a few others contributed to our house project too. Many thanks! And I have something lovely to look forward to: I am very excited to work with an awesome team at Bethany, its going to be a treat to work with such generous and amazing people.
...feeling better already!


Anonymous said...

Kel, You really need to write a book. I love reading what ever it is you write if it is a card an email or bloggings... I am captivated. Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your writings even though it means seeing you less, way less. Love you and don't worry about me.

Anonymous said...

Karen; Well, you know that writing a book is in my lifetime goals, I hope I get there someday!! thanks for commenting, its good to see comments on here! Thanks for the kind words, we still have to get Syd posting on here!