We've moved

... please go to www.kellydvorak.blogspot.com.
don't forget to update your link if you have one.
Thanks for reading!

Ever wonder why the title: Never the Same Page? Brendan and I started the blog together, and what is the truest thing about us? We are almost never on the same page about things. We are as opposite as opposites get. TomAto, TomAHto... but we decided a long time ago not to call the whole thing off :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Have you ever...??

Have you ever had so much to do you don't even know where to start? That is where I'm (Kelly) at with this house and moving business. I've walked around my house at least a dozen times with a note pad trying to make lists, motivate myself to just do it ( I have a done some sorting and stuff ...), but mostly I feel like I'm going in circles, not being as efficient as I could be.
Brendan is slaving away (painting over the *pink* kitchen!) and I just asked him his answer to the new question in our profile .. he is stunned that he's hard at work and I'm playing around .. okay, so I'll get to work, I can cross a couple things of the list in the next 30 minutes or so...

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